Focused on results, not return visits.
Start the fight for your freedom.
Counseling and Therapy Sessions
Counseling & Therapy
in the Practicum Clinic
The GPS Psychology Practicum Clinic operates from an evidence-based treatment philosophy, usually
practicing from therapies that have been founded in learning theory (i.e., Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies
(CBT/BT/CT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT)).
That is, we have a professional and ethical responsibility to provide our patients with the best possible
treatment to match their clinical needs. There are several clinical populations that clinicians work within
(i.e., Health Psychology, behavioral therapies with child/adolescent populations, exposure-based therapies
for a range of anxiety/ocd/trauma-related conditions, etc.).
Visit the American Psychological Association's (APA) webpage for the official guidelines.
To this end, our practicum clinicians
Are up to date on state-of-the-art therapeutic interventions and manualized evidenced-
based treatments, which have undergone rigorous peer-review research to assess
improvement with specific clinical populations;
Receive specific initial and on-going training and supervision in evidence-based
Personalize evidence-based interventions to meet the unique needs of each patient;
Carefully and appropriately assess patients’ progress to ensure that patient needs are
Treatment at the GPS Practicum Clinic involves the following:
Phone Screen
Callers requesting services talk to a clinician who asks some questions to assess the match
between our services and caller needs. Callers either receive an appointment for intake or a
referral to more appropriate services.
Intake Assessment
Comprehensive initial interview to assess reasons for seeking treatment, goals for
therapy, and diagnosis.
Several questionnaires and assessments are used to collect additional information about
the nature and severity of presenting concerns and to provide a baseline or comparison
point for treatment progress.
Treatment Planning
Based on this initial assessment and further discussion between the patient and therapist, a treatment
plan is collaboratively developed by the 4th session. This treatment plan involves specific treatment
goals, interventions, and outcome measurement. Both therapist and patient participate in the creation
of the treatment plan. This plan becomes the flexible road map to guide treatment. If a patient’s needs
or wishes change, the treatment plan also changes.
Treatment usually involves:
Weekly 50-minute sessions with the therapist; if exposure-based therapies are indicated, appointments
may vary between 50 to 120-minute sessions
Weekly questionnaire assessments based on the treatment plan and will calculate clinically
significant change (i.e., when symptom presentation has clinically significant levels of change)
Between-session homework to enhance progress
Graduation from Treatment
Treatment conclusion is a collaborative decision between therapist and patient based on goal progress,
symptom measure data, and patient wishes. The final phase of treatment may involve a reduced
frequency of sessions and a focus on increasing your ability to implement changes independently.
Ultimately, our goal is for you to feel confident in your ability to manage issues on your own as they
may arise and to recognize when you may benefit from coming back in for a session to brush up on your
skills or target specific stressors proactively. There has been substantial and exciting research
indicating that when patients receive, gold-standard evidenced-based treatments, their symptoms not
only improve, but neuroimaging can display significant structural changes.